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Debugging WPF’s Element Tree

May 29, 2007

David Sleeckx posted a "WPF Tree Debugger Visualizer".

Does running as a Debug Visualizer provide a significant benefit to you all?

Pete Blois’ Snoop should also get a look for people who want to see the runtime state of WPF’s Tree.

Would love to hear what VS "Orcas" and Blend should do to get more helpful in this area….

From → Tools

  1. Thomas permalink

    Yes, that would be helpful. Especially the snoop.
    Also, we are working on a fairly large WPF application. As we progress it\’s getting harder and harder to find out why/or why not a control is being styled.
    (Ps, love you blog)

  2. Rajani permalink

    I agree with Thomas. I too have been having trouble finding when and why a controls gets its styles re-applied, for example I have been having trouble understanding why when using Tab controls, the error template in tabIem does not get reapplied when switching between tabs inspite of the error holding true. Still no answer to this question and there is absolutely no documentation on it.
    I tried using Snoop, but that works only for WPF Windows apps not for Browser based apps.
    – RNair

  3. Rob permalink

    Have you posted that question to the WPF Forum?  (which I remember via
    If so, please reply with the URL of your post.
    If not, please post there and then reply with the URL of your post.
    Thanks for your feedback about Snoop and XBAPs as well…I\’ll send that to Peter Blois!
    Thanks, Rob

  4. Josh permalink

    Hi Rob,
    I recently posted an article about my Visual Tree Visualizer, called Woodstock.  I wasn\’t aware of David Sleeckx\’s visualizer, so I guess the world has two of them now.  Woodstock offers a Snoop-like property grid, which allows you to inspect any property on any element in the visual tree.  Here\’s the link:
    Thanks,Josh Smith

  5. Unknown permalink

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