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Examples of depth API improvements coming in v1

December 17, 2011

As a program manager working on Kinect for Windows, I’m always excited to see feedback about Kinect for Windows. It is even better when we already have those issues fixed.

Piers7 posted “Gotchas with the Kinect SDK for Windows” recently. I’m happy to say that we’ve already got fixes for the first 3 gotchas he lists:

  1. DepthData in v1 will no longer be mirrored improperly depending if you ask for Depth or Depth+Player.
  2. DepthData data representation in v1 will no longer be different if you ask for Depth or Depth+Player. We always will use 3 bits to represent player id even if you haven’t asked for Depth+Player. In that case, they will just be “0”
  3. APIs for Mapping from Skeleton->Depth, Depth->Skeleton, Depth->Color in v1 will no longer require bit shifting of the depth data.

Our v1 release in early 2012 will have these improvements and more…

We’re also investigating the best way to make GreenScreening easy and approachable, which is his 4th gotcha

From → API, Kinect

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